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Government Contracting
Common Contracting Terms
Bid, Tender
Bidder’s Conference
Competitive Bidding
Contract Amendment
Government Contractor
Contract Value
Government Procurement
Government Proposal
Invitation to Bid
RFP: Request for Proposal
RFT: Request for Tender
RFQ: Request for Qualification
Federal Contract, Bid or RFP
Local, State Contracts, Bids, RFP
Request for Information (RFI)
An RFI is different than other requests as it can be used as a starting point for a buyer to gather necessary information needed before making final plans on a project and releasing the RFP (request for proposal).

RFI's can help with building a database of suppliers, developing strategies, and are useful once a project is started and further details are needed to interpret specific instructions. RFI's also allow the buyer to gather additional ideas for a project, and allow suppliers to state their potential on a given project within an RFI. This all leads up to the buyer developing the RFP, which more than likely, the businesses participating in the RFI process will be contacted first and foremost to bid on the RFP as they have been involved with the process and are familiar with the scope of work to be performed.

If your business is ready to start competitively bidding and you want RFI's as quick as you can get them then you have found the right place! Find RFP will find the RFI's and many other requests that you specifically need and send them in an email to you daily. This service cuts out hours upon hours of searching for the requests you need and makes sure you are receiving only the requests relevant to the services and products your business is involved with.

As stated, getting the information first and contacting buyers before other competitors can be the ticket to winning a bid. Don't miss out on the thousands of government bids that come in every day, and make sure you aren't searching for a request while a Find RFP competitor already has the request and is working on submitting a bid. Be ahead of the bidding game with Find RFP!

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